At C&T Matrix, work won’t ever be the same again. It’s going to be better.
June 17th, 2020
The global pandemic has forced C&T Matrix to work completely differently. Before lockdown, our sales teams travelled globally to visit customers and support distributors, and all other functions worked at head office, either in the factory or in adjacent offices. In-person contact was considered crucial for customer relationships and internal team building.
And then lockdown happened, with its new world of working. For factory workers, we supplied PPE equipment, set up 2m floor markings, established training sessions and then refresher training sessions. We created information posters for the factory and restricted canteen numbers. For the sales, accounts, quality and finance teams who started to work from home, we invested in laptops, advanced IT support and internet phones. Daily video calls replaced round-table team meetings. More regular organised check-ins replaced over-the-desk chats.
Before lockdown, we were concerned that home-working may decrease productivity. We were wrong. Without distractions, our home workers work rate increased considerably and team morale remained high. Virtual contact replaced in-person contact and relationships remained strong. In parallel, customer relationships have strengthened. Without the costs and time inefficiencies associated with travelling, virtual support has brought customers closer and reduced response times.
When this is all over, C&T Matrix will run differently. We will offer further flexibility where there are efficiency savings or to support personal circumstances. And for those employees who strongly benefit from in-person contact and who may have felt a little isolated during the crisis, they will revert to office-based working. And for many, they will fluidly combine office and home working.
For the sales team, we will continue to shift most customer and distributor interactions towards digital communication. However, for new some customers or specific technical support where on-site presence is superior, we will continue on-location customer meetings.
COVID has been a shock in so many devastating ways. But for C&T Matrix, the long term impacts will be overwhelmingly positive. By forcing us to reconsider how and where we work, we will emerge from this crisis kinder, stronger and more efficient.
C&T Matrix is the world leading manufacturer of creasing matrix, a product used in the manufacture of cardboard boxes, to facilitate accurate high-quality creasing prior to folding. As well as manufacturing creasing matrix for the print and packaging industries, C&T Matrix produces a wide range of other consumables and accessories in the box-making process. Contact us to find out more.

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